We are faced with many problems in society (known as societal ills): corruption, bigotry, islamophobia, anti-Semitism, law enforcement, racism, xenophobia, genderism, sexism, elitism, classism, homelessness, loneliness, miscommunication, assumptions, ableism, ghosting, gas lighting, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, but they all have a throughline. How we interact with others. Our communication framework, and more importantly our listening and conversational skills and abilities.
Additionally, we mostly exist in westernized societies where hyper-capitalism, hyper-consumption, and hyper-consumerism along with growing technology, devices, and (social) media networks further take our attention that perpetuates the feeling of loneliness and helplessness to resolve or affect any of these societal ills.
Right now, and for almost a decade, Wellvyl has been focused on loneliness by giving people healthy fun things to do outside of the gym and alternatives to toxic environments that are safe and fun to help people make connections in healthier ways. Since the Global Pandemic isolation and loneliness have become front and center with the U.S. Surgeon General declaring the U.S. is in a Loneliness Epidemic with approximately 70% of the population suffering from isolation and depression.
So it is clear that society’s ills affect our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which impacts our social interactions and break down our communication and conversational skills. Social interactions are absolutely crucial to our humanity and its health, as society impacts our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
This result affects how we treat one another, which is called Social Wellness. Social Wellness is define by how we treat our fellow human beings. This is the key to societal health and well-being. We can do all the health, fitness, and wellness activities, but how do we treat other people? It’s time to effectively and sustainably change the world for a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience – for all.