We make healthy nightlife in NYC fun!

Why can’t New York nightlife be fun and healthy? Now it can be. We throw secret dance parties, host unique tastings of the latest healthy food trends, we get down, we get weird, we have fun.

Ever since sugar-free brownies hit the shelf, there’s been this idea that health and fun can’t coexist. The health and fitness world has been dominated by boring, elitist messaging for too long.

Meanwhile, the idea of fun has been reduced to late nights and shots of bad tequila. The reality is we don’t have to sacrifice our social life to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At Wellvyl, we aim to help foster balance both for people living “down the middle” as well as those living on the edge— either edge.

We believe in emphasizing positive social interactions.

Emphasizing how we treat each other while cultivating a balance between the mind, body, and soul, can create a happier, healthier human population who, in turn, can change the world. Through our events, magazine, and collaborations, we strive to support social wellness, AKA healthy relationships with ourselves and others. We believe in a post-gender, post-race, and post-politics movement and welcome diverse, like-minded individuals with the promise that that movement starts here. 

We invite you to question, to create, to demand, and join our community for some healthy fun in NYC.

Meet. Mingle. Be Well.

Being healthy can be lonely AF in NYC, we know from experience.

If you’re tying to live a healthier lifestyle we'll connect you to other good people, because we believe that your wellness is directly related to the strength of your social network and relationships.

Connect with other health conscious people.

NYC doesn’t have to be lonely!

Become a member

Do fun shit in NYC. Connect with good people IRL.

Live your best healthy life.

Join our fam, let’s keep NYC healthy, fun, and weird.



It's about damn time we get to know each other on an inbox basis.

Subscribe to our newsletter.




Wellvyl is a movement centered around healthy communication, inclusiveness, thoughtfulness, and fostering nurturing relationships with one another to ultimately contribute to a 1% kinder, nicer, healthier world and human experience for everyone.

Wellvyl does this by getting to the core of our social interactions with others and communication. Everything begins with how we exist in conversations. How we listen to others and how we articulate what we are thinking and feeling.

Wellvyl’s mission is to improve human interactions and communication to create a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience through our divisions, products, and services that all support (in concert) our ideology and hope for humanity.

Wellvyl is a lifestyle brand that believes the key to a (truly) healthy life lies in our social interactions, as they directly impact our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. This is our hope for a kinder, nicer, healthier human experience.

Wellvyl’s mission is to create a movement centered around healthy communication, inclusiveness, thoughtfulness, and fostering nurturing relationships with one another to ultimately contribute to a 1% kinder, nicer, healthier world and human experience for everyone.

Wellvyl’s mission is to improve human interactions and communication to create a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience through products and services that all support in concert our ideology and hope for humanity as our Lifestyle Brand.

Wellvyl is a movement focused on health, inclusiveness, positive thinking, how we treat one another, and most importantly, how we’ll make a better world. We do this by getting to the core of our interactions with others and communication. Everything begins with how we exist in conversations. How we listen to others and how we articulate what we are thinking and feeling.

Wellvyl’s mission is to improve human interactions and communication to create a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience through products and services that all support in concert our ideology and hope for humanity as our Lifestyle Brand.


MAGAZINE: This is where you can learn and educate yourself about our movement.

SHOP: Wearing our apparel is how you show the world you share our beliefs.

SOCIAL WELLNESS SOCIAL CLUB: This is where you can participate with us IRL.

Get your ticket to meet us at our parties, events, classes, and retreats.

Join our member services to have someone to help or just be there. 

We have so much to offer at Wellvyl that we divided things up into different divisions. Each division supports our movement and is designed to fit right into your lifestyle, interests, habits, and healthy-living goals. Like…

WELLVYL MEDIA: This is where you can learn and educate yourself about ‘social wellness’ and how to communicate kinder, nicer, and healthier. 

WELLVYL SHOP: This is where you buy our merchandise and apparel and 1% of all revenue goes to fund our nonprofits and other social impact projects.



Learn more about all the fun activities and services

WELLVYL's Live Experiences

WELLVYL's Member Services


Wellvyl defines ‘social wellness’ as the measurement of an individual’s “well-being.” Social Wellness is how healthy a person exists in the world around them or their sphere of influence and how they treat those in their sphere while taking on life’s ups and downs. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline a global framework for building a healthier and more sustainable world built on health and wellness governance. In particular, our philosophy aligns most with SDGs 3 (good health and wellbeing) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities). Wellvyl’s social engineering and policy research initiatives will expand on current research and transcend the current paradigm on well-being and policy.

Want to know why we started this whole movement and ecosystem of companies and nonprofits, click here.


Learn more about what we are doing and committed  doing to improve human interactions and  communication for a better human experience at The Social Wellness Institute.


Wellvyl and its subsidiaries are Public Benefit Corporations all working towards B Corporation Status, and our proceeds will directly go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits. We are focused on People, Planet, and Profit.

People – funding and subsidizing community social engagement projects, minority startups, and public work for better infrastructure, policy, reform, etc.

Planet – funding projects for sustainability, clean energy, the best transportation, etc, etc, in cities.

Profit – for our team members, partners, investors and to provide a stronger economic engine for our Social Wellness Mission and Vision.


Want to know why we started this whole movement and ecosystem of companies and nonprofits, click here.