what we are

+wellvyl is a Social Wellness Business. Social Wellness is a subcategory of Wellness, which there are six modalities (Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental, and Social). The reason we are a Social Wellness Company in particular is that we believe Social Wellness is the key to unlocking the other five aspects of wellness, and our individual and collective wellness. Mind, Body, Emotion, Soul all speak to our individual selves. We believe that only focusing on these is not enough since all 8 billion of us share this planet, which then connects to Environmental Wellness – our shared Planet Earth.

+wellvyl does this by getting to the core of our social interactions with others and communication. Everything begins with how we exist in conversations. How we, as human beings, actively listen to others to really hear them; as well as how we articulate what we are thinking and feeling.

our divisions

+wellvyl is a social wellness movement that is supported by different products and services that are tailored to what people are currently consuming both, in-real-life and digitally. To make sure that we truly deliver on our value promise through serious intentionalism we have decided to organize certain products and services into divisions of +wellvyl. This helps us focus to deliver our truest value and tend to your expectations pending how you choose to experience +wellvyl or even how you discover us.

One of our most exciting divisions is our Apparel at +wellvyl Shop. We created this to meet our fashionistas and taste-makers where our message and designs resonate and not only look great, but feel great and are created with the most talented of people we could partner with – the possibilities are limitless.

We share stories through written articles, podcasts, and videos at +wellvyl Media for you to see a new possibility that could touch, move, and/or inspire you to live a 1% kinder, nicer, healthier life and experience other ways of interacting that could help you see how that can be tangible and sustainable.

For those of you who are looking for an alternative to the typical and traditional nightlife and social life environments, we have the +wellvyl Social Club, where we produce original programming designed for you to make a new friend and have a safe, healthy, and fun space for you to experience others who share this way of being at +wellvyl Live Experiences.

The +wellvyl Social Club also serves members more specifically with +wellvyl Member Services. It’s one thing to be a member of a community, and its another thing to serve your needs, interests, and goals to ensure you are getting what you truly want out of being in a Socially-well Social Club.

more about 'social wellness'

Wellness is broken down into 6 different categories or modalities.

  • The first four are; Mental Wellness, Physical Wellness, Emotional Wellness, and Spiritual Wellness. These are focused on the self or individual’s mind, body, emotions, and spirituality, which are also what is self-care, which are also mislabeled as “wellness” by most people. We accept others’ framework, and for our purposes we chose to be clear and intentional to the more literal definition of wellness (a measurement of one’s well-being). 
  • The fifth is Environmental Wellness, which is how we treat the environment (neighborhood, town, city, state, country, planet, etc.) and how the environment impacts our health.
  • Lastly, we have Social Wellness, which ties everything together. This is the key to a 1% kinder, nicer, healthier world that we can tangibly have, tomorrow.


Since all 8 billion of us live and share this planet we need to interact and communicate with one another. This is where we learn about our own behavior (in our mind and externally) and how it impacts others and the world around us. We here at +wellvyl we believe, because we have the sentience and the capacity to adjust or modify our behavior – and we are all different, yet the same – we have a responsibility to learn more humane ways to treat our fellow humans, environment, and living beings on the planet and beyond.

+wellvyl defines ‘social wellness’ as the measurement of an individual’s “well-being.” Social Wellness is how healthy a person exists in the world around them or their sphere of influence and how they treat those in their sphere while taking on life’s ups and downs. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline a global framework for building a healthier and more sustainable world built on health and wellness governance. In particular, our philosophy aligns most with SDGs 3 (good health and wellbeing) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities). +wellvyl’s communication work and policy research initiatives will expand on current research and transcend the current paradigm on well-being and policy.

+wellvyl partners with the Social Wellness Institute, a 501(c)(3) research nonprofit, to study and improve our work, whether in our Media Division, or our Social Club where we use bio-psycho-social research to help create live experiences that develop safe, connective, social, fun, inclusive, and immersive ways to interact.

our values

+wellvyl is a Public Benefit Corporation (an aspiring B Corp), and our proceeds will directly go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits. We are focused on People, Planet, and Profit.

People – funding and subsidizing community social engagement projects, minority startups, and public work for better infrastructure, policy, reform, etc.

Planet – funding projects for sustainability, clean energy, the best transportation, etc, etc, in cities.

Profit – for our team members, partners, investors and to provide a stronger economic engine for our Social Wellness Mission and Vision.

our activism

1% of all revenue go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits, The Social Wellness Institute, a 501(c)(3) research nonprofit, and The Wellville Foundation, a 501(c)(4) political nonprofit. Our revenue and bottom line are for People, Planet, and Profit.

Here, at Wellvyl Shop, 1% of our revenue will go directly to fund the social wellness research foundation, TSWI, for improving human interactions and communication by providing sociological, psychological, educational, linguistic, economic, and more insights, research, and, most importantly, practical, tangible, and effective training and courses that will be provided to all communities to better understand all the processes and functions that are needed for healthy conversations.

Here at +wellvyl we have deep, strong feelings and experiential knowledge that the way to move our society forward while technology (devices and artificial intelligences [AI]) are exponentially growing and evolving – that our society or human beings will need to communicate better and at the very least – in a global society – we have an obligation and responsibility to not only hear everyone and be heard, but also know how to comprehend and process how to interact with others for a kinder, nicer, healthier human experience for all beings that call this planet home. This is the World we live in and as we move on to the stars and a new frontier – we must be committed to developing our awareness, listening abilities, compassion, empathy, expression, speaking, etc. because we do not live in the world alone. We share it. So we need to learn why sharing is so critically essential and vital to our existence.


why we started

We are faced with many problems in society (known as societal ills): corruption, bigotry, islamophobia, anti-Semitism, law enforcement, racism, xenophobia, genderism, sexism, elitism, classism, homelessness, loneliness, miscommunication, assumptions, ableism, ghosting, gas lighting, etc, etc. The list goes on and on, but they all have a throughline. How we interact with others. Our communication framework, and more importantly our listening and conversational skills and abilities.

Additionally, we mostly exist in westernized societies where hyper-capitalism, hyper-consumption, and hyper-consumerism along with growing technology, devices, and (social) media networks further take our attention that perpetuates the feeling of loneliness and helplessness to resolve or affect any of these societal ills.

Right now, and for almost a decade, Wellvyl has been focused on loneliness by giving people healthy fun things to do outside of the gym and alternatives to toxic environments that are safe and fun to help people make connections in healthier ways. Since the Global Pandemic isolation and loneliness have become front and center with the U.S. Surgeon General declaring the U.S. is in a Loneliness Epidemic with approximately 70% of the population suffering from isolation and depression.

So it is clear that society’s ills affect our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which impacts our social interactions and break down our communication and conversational skills. Social interactions are absolutely crucial to our humanity and its health, as society impacts our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

This result affects how we treat one another, which is called Social Wellness. Social Wellness is define by how we treat our fellow human beings. This is the key to societal health and well-being. We can do all the health, fitness, and wellness activities, but how do we treat other people? It’s time to effectively and sustainably change the world for a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience – for all.

the big picture

Social Wellness can not be simply a specialty, a field of expertise or an industry, Social Wellness needs to be the philosophy of earth. In the current climate we are dealing with severe societal issues; wars, pandemics, systemic racism, police brutality, sexism, genderism, etc, etc – it seems that many of these long held societal issues that have hurt our well-being are finally being acknowledged and addressed. We are facing cultural challenges in our city, country, and the world. This opportunity is a prime vehicle to facilitate the movement towards change for a “better” tomorrow. We know we need change; effective, lasting, and systemic change. Our human operating systems and communication skills can use some serious upgrading.

Learn more, and how to support the Wellville Foundation, our 501(c)(4) political nonprofit, for Wellness in our governing policies.

© WELLVYL PBC. 2025 All rights reserved