The Wellvyl Prime Membership provides everything the Wellvyl Social-lite Membership Offers, plus access to a dedicated concierge and other Wellvyl Prime Membership Benefits and Upgrades, such as:
Access to “Wellvyl Prime Members Only” Experiences
Access to our Concierge Services for healthcare, fitness, mental, social, emotional, educational, and cosmetic health and wellness needs,
Plus so much more that we cannot list here
If you pay for the year upfront its $10,000 , or you can pay $1, 000 monthly.
If you want to know more about membership email or grab a ticket and come to one of our live experiences and talk to anyone of our Wellvyl Community Managers about Membership Services.
Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! If you refer some people that you think would like our membership services, add up to three email addresses in your application below. If they get approved and they join, you get rewarded for helping grow our community.