+wellvyl Designs PBC is a Public Benefit Corporations and a subsidiary of +wellvyl PBC, The Social Wellness Movement, which is also a public benefit corporation. wellvyl and all of its subsidiaries are all working towards B Corporation Status, and 1% or all revenues go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits, The Social Wellness Institute, a 501(c)(3) research nonprofit, and The Wellville Foundation, a 501(c)(4) political nonprofit. Our revenue and bottom line are for People, Planet, and Profit.
Here, at +wellvyl Shop, 1% of our revenue will go directly to fund the social wellness research foundation, TSWI, for improving human interactions and communication by providing sociological, psychological, educational, linguistic, economic, and more insights, research, and, most importantly, practical, tangible, and effective training and courses that will be provided to all communities to better understand all the processes and functions that are needed for healthy conversations.
+wellvyl and all of its subsidiaries have deeply strong feelings and experiential knowledge that the way to move our society forward while technology (devices and artificial intelligences [AI]) are exponentially growing and evolving – that our society or human beings will need to communicate better and at the very least – in a global society – we have an obligation and responsibility to not only hear everyone and be heard, but also know how to comprehend and process how to interact with others for a kinder, nicer, healthier human experience for all beings that call this planet home. This is the World we live in and as we move on to the stars and a new frontier – we must be committed to developing our awareness, listening abilities, compassion, empathy, expression, speaking, etc. because we do not live in the world alone. We share it. So we need to learn why sharing is so critically essential and vital to our existence.