This may be the busiest month for gyms, and for people who have made the resolution to “get healthy”. Well, the team here at Wellvyl and our community are participating in a 2-week sugar detox. Starting last week, on January 2nd we gave up artificial sugars, and more to cleanse for the new year. It has been a journey, but we are in it together. There are ways to cut out sugar without going crazy.
Prep! Prep! Prep! Get your mind right before you even think about starting a detox. Research alternatives to what you can not eat. Also, I think the most important thing is mentally preparing. The mood changes, are hard. You do not realize how much sugar makes us all feel better about…well pretty much everything. Let people around you know that you will be a little grumpy the next couple of days.
The health benefits of giving up sugar: clearer skin, loss of weight, and overall feeling better. What I love about these detoxes and challenges is that it sometimes leads to people continuing to cut certain foods out and eating healthier. Because of this what we all want at the end of the day. And we here at Wellvyl are here for you.
Read more about Wellvyl’s 2-week sugar detox here.
Read more about getting rid of sugar in your diet here.