It would be silly, when talking about relationships and human connection, to not mention sex. Sex is very important. Especially when you have been lucky enough to be with someone that you truly love and want to be with forever. So, if this aspect of your relationship is not up to par, it can really take a toll.
Here are the 5 most common sex complaints from couples, according to a sex therapist Jessa Zimmerman
Frequency of Sex
How often is too often? Most times each partner will disagree on what is the appropriate amount of times to have sex a week.
Who Takes the Lead?
Often times the most awkward part of sex is when to begin. And who makes the first move? There has to be someone sort of leading the dance but is that you. Or is your partner?
Different Interests
Sex is fluid. And there are many ways to get creative in bed. So, there is the problem of your partner not being into some of the freaky things you are. How do you come to a middle ground?
Avoidance of Sex
Couples who realize they are not compatible sexually tend to just avoid talking, thinking, and of course having sex. This is not the answer.
Zimmerman speaks to people about sex all the time. She still gets surprised, and there is a lot. There is much diversity in desires. Every couple is different.
Read more on sexual health in relationships here.