WELLVYL IN CONVERSATIONS, is a Podcast produced by WELLVYL Media that are conversations about…
Death, Abs, & Smoothies (™), is a Podcast produced by Wellvyl Media that features Chris Krietchman and guests discussing societal ills and how we got “here” in our society today – what is going on in our current society from the perspective of why we feel alone and what the future holds for ourselves and humanity as a whole. Listening to this Podcast will hopefully create a better understanding of the motivation and drivers of one person’s perspective on how we could make adjustments today that will create a 1% kinder, nicer, healthier today and tomorrow and what it might take to get there. Smoothies and Abs won’t get us there, for sure.
Wellvyl Media has been developing documentaries and shows to better understand the human condition and what people are experiencing. Who is silently dealing with or managing something internally and showing their story and experiences. We aim to help people to see what the world could look like right now if we incrementally and proactively take a step into practicing empathy and compassion to better develop ourselves for a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier world, now. We will show the world what that could look like in addition to showing other people’s struggles and obscurities that are not always the sexiest or popular things that show up or are covered in the media. This is our central focus or “main dish” (if you allow the metaphor) as the opposite of other media organizations which is a “side dish” or purely opinion based.
When it comes to being in the Media Industry, we know there are post-apocalyptic, dystopian projected futures, there are echo-chambers, polarizing presentation, misinformation, fake news, lack of integrity, etc. And, in the learning and self-help/self-care industries there’s a lack of true knowledge and confusion about subjectivity versus objectivity. and so we are here to be the middle ground where we can bring everyone together to practice and learn patience and discover how to internalize while externalizing our feelings and thoughts in healthy ways. We hope to help contribute to our viewers building their ability to focus and hold their attention spans and learn kinder, nicer, behaviors to improve their interactions with others.
Wellvyl Media PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation working towards B Corporation Status, and our proceeds will directly go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits. Our revenue and bottom line are for People, Planet, and Profit.
People – First, we will be paying our team 20% to 40% above market rates as we grow (thanks to your purchasing support) to lead by example and influence the raising of wages outside of the executive suite and have a minimum wage of $25/hour at our organization. With our revenue we will be contributing funding and our platform to community social engagement projects, minority startups, and public work for better infrastructure, policy, reform, and so much more.
Planet – Second, fund and support projects and programs that teach anyone how to communicate and develop social skills through our own initiatives in education to further the knowledge of sociology, psychology, linguistics, mental and public health, anthropology, theology, and hospitality.
Profit – Third, to help grow our team, train and invest in their internal projects and personal growth. We seek to develop more content and our reach so that everyone, everywhere can have access to the knowledge and power of kinder, nicer, healthier communication for a little more thoughtfulness, patience, compassion, empathy, learning, listening, and understand tomorrow.
Have something you want us to uncover, research, discuss, or investigate?
The mind is at it’s best when we feed it good stuff. Let us fill it up with thought-provoking podcasts, videos that will leave you feeling hungry for more, and stories that will make you reconsider what you thought you knew. How do politics, the environment, science, education, research, and philosophy relate to this social construct of wellness? The intersection of these topics and the wellness world can be a dark twisted fantasy, and we’re here to debunk the bullshit.
We only get one body. From expanding the body positive movement to figuring out ways to move that works for you, together we will learn how to love it, move it, and treat it right. We’ll be serving up our perspective on all that NYC has to offer, from personal trainers to group fitness classes, new therapies to trending wellness practices. No sponsored opinions, just real talk. Let’s get rid of this idea that if we aren’t participating in a certain trend, we aren’t apart of the larger movement to love our bodies.
Allow us to ignite the fire for the soul in search. Somehow we are all one species on one planet in a sea of galaxies, and understanding why we are here is crucial to understanding what it means to be human. Exploring spirituality, culture, art, music, healing practices, self love, and holistic methods will bring us closer to our deepest questions. Let’s live that woke life, one story at a time.
We believe that social wellness is the primary pillar of health, supported by the Mind, Body, & Soul. Co-existing is the secret sauce to our best life. Social wellness is a lifestyle, manifested in our relationships, our interactions with strangers, how we party, where we live, where we travel, even the types of restaurants and hotels we like. We’re out here trying to figure out how to co-exist a little better, one act of kindness at a time.
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