Nowadays we are all in search of connection. And we know this can be hard. So it is easy for us to settle with the “friends” that we already have. The ones that we have had since childhood, or college. Less work than trying to make new friends in your late 20s and throughout your 30’s.
But what if this is not healthy? Keeping friends along just because is never a good idea. We as people evolve and so do our friendships. Keeping these lackluster connections in your life can work against us. Emotionally, this type of relationship puts a strain on our psyches. We’re spending considerable head space, time, and energy on these people who don’t quite come through the way they say they will and who don’t always bring us real joy. It requires more emotional and mental resources to deal with the inconsistency inherent in these mixed-bag relationships, and some studies have found them to be detrimental to your health and productivity.
Read more about ambivalent friendships here on Mind Body Green.
Meet new friends at our CBD Cookie Party here.
Check out official recap photos from our HIIT It Before You Hit event here.