For over thirty years, McDonalds has enticed fast food consumers towards registers with its Monopoly lottery game. Prizes can range upwards of 100,000 euros down to a free apple. The larger the meal and/or purchase, the bigger the prize–basically incentivizing customers to consume more sugar, sodium and trans fat. Bigger burger + Larger soda = Greater prize (hopefully). McDonalds has recently come under fire for what many health campaigners consider unethical capitalism, especially since the fast food Goliath is a favorite of children.
It makes sense that this exchange of prizes for good health lived in the 80’s, but a fast food seduction thriving in these modern times of kale power and gluten divorces is a tad disquieting. Like, we understand the bear hug in which Mickey D fries envelop our taste buds, but who still wants to ingest a McFlurry that contains 60% of their daily suggested sugar intake?